A new release went live today and here’s what we delivered:
- Updated tooling & dependencies – When we reacquired Sprintly it was running on older CI tooling and very old versions of some of our core dependencies and libraries. We spent time updating dependencies, refactoring related code, and moving to CircleCI. This should give us a much sounder foundation as we continue to roll out improvements (and who knows how many bugs caused by upstream dependencies were fixed!).
- Transition support to ZenDesk – We have now fully moved over to ZenDesk for support – you will see the new green “Support” button on the bottom right that will let you search the KnowledgeBase and submit support questions. You can also find the KnowledgeBase here. We are still cleaning up the last few broken links over there – if you find any or see anything that looks busted over there drop us a line at support@sprint.ly. We will be using the Community section over there to submit and comment on new feature requests (don’t worry we haven’t lost the previously submitted ones – we are working on many of those so expect updates soon)
- Transition to a new email provider – Our old provider unexpectedly sunsetted and we were forced to scramble to move to a new one. Some of you experienced email performance problems while we transitioned and we’re sorry about that. The work is now complete and you should seen dramatic improvements in performance if you are using email to create or comment on items. We previously offered the ability to create items in bulk with email – this will no longer be supported and you will have to do this using the items API. As far as we can tell, this was one of our least-used features. If you are in a jam because of this – contact support and we can help you out.
- Bug fixes – we fixed a bunch of things including an issue where an item is moved to another product yet remains in the current product until the page is refreshed and an issue with some menus hanging around when you clicked across tabs in settings.
- PartyLine 400 errors – many of you were seeing 400 errors in PartyLine and we have resolved this issue. We will be doing another update in the next couple of weeks – stay tuned.
As always if you have questions or comments or just want to say Hi – feel free to drop me a line april@sprint.ly