/sprintly search status:current tag:new-awesome-feature size:XL
Our latest feature in Partyline lets you take full advantage of the Sprintly search API right from within Slack!
Sprintly’s search API, which has been built over the last year, offers our users full query control over the tickets in their projects. It has a similar query syntax to that of Gmail and GitHub so it is instantly familiar.
Making queries through Partyline is easy peasy, allowing you to get visibility into your project right from within Slack.
What can you search for? Let’s take a look at some examples:
Find tickets which are unassigned:
/sprintly search is:unassigned
Find tickets which have sub-items:
/sprintly search has:children
Find tickets created this month:
/sprintly search created:>=2015-07-01
Find large tickets in the backlog:
/sprintly search status:backlog size:L
There are lots of fields to search by, to learn more about them just ask for help with search.
/sprintly help:search
Need more information on a particular search field? Just ask for help with that too :)
/sprintly help:search:created
Your search results contain links to the tickets in Sprintly, so if you want to see more detail, just click the link.
Want to check it out? Head over to the Partyline site to get started.
Like it or have feedback? We would love to hear it, let us know @sprintly.
Party on Wayne. Party on Garth.