Turn Slack into a GitHub command center
Does your team use GitHub Issues? You can now connect Slack and GitHub issues using our app, Partyline. This will allow you to manage your GitHub Issues without ever leaving Slack. For example, you can ask it to show you open issues: You can also create new tasks from Slack: You can try Partyline right […]
Time travel with Partyline!

Have you ever forgotten what a ticket was about? Can’t quite remember what was discussed around the time a ticket was created? Keeping the context of what was discussed during a planning meeting is difficult. To help with this, most agile development processes involve sprint planning sessions. This is when a group of stakeholders, product managers […]
Partyline Search

/sprintly search status:current tag:new-awesome-feature size:XL Our latest feature in Partyline lets you take full advantage of the Sprintly search API right from within Slack! Sprintly’s search API, which has been built over the last year, offers our users full query control over the tickets in their projects. It has a similar query syntax to that […]