Have you ever forgotten what a ticket was about? Can’t quite remember what was discussed around the time a ticket was created?
Keeping the context of what was discussed during a planning meeting is difficult. To help with this, most agile development processes involve sprint planning sessions.
This is when a group of stakeholders, product managers and engineers put their heads together and discuss the upcoming work to be completed over the upcoming weeks. If it could be simplified into a few steps they might be:
- Discuss & decide on the work to be done within a set timeframe
- Break the work up into discrete tasks
- Estimate the difficulty of each task
- Write up detailed tickets for units of work to be assigned to engineers
Oftentimes, key elements of the conversation during this process can be lost, forgotten and misinterpreted. Screenshots discussed go missing, links to spreadsheets disappear and important background information is forgotten. This can be compounded when people are absent from a planning session or are participating remotely. Your standard project communication problems ;).
With more and more communication, asset sharing and project planning happening over Slack we saw an opportunity to help capture the context of project planning conversations at the time of creating tickets within Slack through Partyline.
Now, every new ticket created within Partyline will contain a convenient context link, appended to the ticket’s description.
This link will point to the specific point in time that the ticket was created in your Slack chat history. When you click the link you will jump into the Slack chat archive.
From there you can see all the:
- messages sent
- screenshots or wireframes shared
- google doc’s linked to etc.
from when that ticket was created allowing everyone to get up to speed asap!
Now you never have to lose context with Partyline! Hurray!
Want to check it out? Head over to the Partyline site to get started.
Like it or have feedback? We would love to hear it, let us know @sprintly.
Party on Wayne. Party on Garth.
Photo by William Warby