6.25.2014 Sprint.ly Product Update

Published by on June 25, 2014.

It has been a while since I’ve posted an update on what the Sprint.ly team has been up to. We have been busy looking at our pricing, fixing bugs and last but not least, developing an awesome new feature (more details to come)!

Annual Pricing Plans

We’ve heard a lot of great feedback from everyone about our tiered pricing plans. Today we are happy to announce new annual pricing plans. Sign up for an annual plan and save by getting two months free! Annual Plan FAQs.


In this release, we made a small change to the Reject button for items in the Complete status. The Reject button has been changed to an orange NOT DONE button.


This minor change was made to better delineate a ticket’s reject flow. Tickets from Someday or Backlog can still be rejected via the red Reject button whereas tickets in Complete status can now be sent back to Current with the new Not Done button.

This small UI change is a part of our ongoing effort to add more polish to the Sprint.ly application.

Other Miscellaneous Changes

This release also includes the following changes:

  • We fixed a defect where the Completed and Accepted sort options were not displayed in their respective Dashboard and Organizer columns.
  • We fixed an intermittent bug where duplicate notifications appeared after a new item was added. 
  • When an item is unassigned, an entry is now added to the item’s history feed as well as to the Activity Feed page:


I hope you enjoyed these updates and as always, we’re here to listen to your thoughts and feedback. The team and I can be reached at support@sprint.ly.

