Turn Slack into a GitHub command center
Does your team use GitHub Issues? You can now connect Slack and GitHub issues using our app, Partyline. This will allow you to manage your GitHub Issues without ever leaving Slack. For example, you can ask it to show you open issues: You can also create new tasks from Slack: You can try Partyline right […]
How to build your own Slack integration

Over the past year, Slack has changed the way businesses communicate. With a very well documented and intuitive API, Slack gives developers the ability to easily create custom integrations to get data out of or into Slack. Need to get data out of Slack? Use their: Slash Commands or Outgoing webhooks Need to get data […]
What is Slack’s secret to growth?
My coworking office recently had to decide which group chat application we were going to use. We’d started with Kato because it was free, but members soon started to complain: Can we use Slack instead? The reason our members wanted to switch wasn’t because of features. Functionally, Slack and Kato are very similar. Both applications […]
Time travel with Partyline!

Have you ever forgotten what a ticket was about? Can’t quite remember what was discussed around the time a ticket was created? Keeping the context of what was discussed during a planning meeting is difficult. To help with this, most agile development processes involve sprint planning sessions. This is when a group of stakeholders, product managers […]
Partyline Search

/sprintly search status:current tag:new-awesome-feature size:XL Our latest feature in Partyline lets you take full advantage of the Sprintly search API right from within Slack! Sprintly’s search API, which has been built over the last year, offers our users full query control over the tickets in their projects. It has a similar query syntax to that […]
Why Partyline?

Here at Quick Left, Slack has become an integral part of our communication. More than just one-upmanship GIFs, Slack is a finger on the pulse of our organization, helping us solve together the daily challenges that we face. Within Slack we request code reviews, lean on the opinions and expertise of each other, and as a […]