Introducing our Beta Item Search API with Facets
One of the most consistent pieces of feedback we get from customers both large and small is that they wish they could query for items across products. Many moons ago when I first started programming on Sprintly I made a conscious decision to treat projects as silos. With the advantage of hindsight, it’s apparent that […]
Announcing the New Voltron in Agile Software Development: Sprintly and Quick Left
Those who’ve worked with us at – as customers, colleagues, and partners – know that we’re committed to our craft. We enjoy pushing the envelope on UI/UX, development methodologies, and technology. At times, this has meant needing to pull in specialists who are working at the very edges of their field to help us […]
Diversity is an advantage in business and product development
In the past, I’ve tweeted out that was looking to diversify our applicant pool and was actively hiring developers. If you’ve been following, or engaging in, the conversation around diversity in technology and software development, you probably have a good idea of what the responses looked like. I don’t want to spend time covering the […]
Sprintly releases paper format for in-person story creation

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Announcing Sprintly: Paper Edition

At Sprintly, our mission is to help you seamlessly interact with your coworkers. A key aspect of this is that we allow people to work in the way that best suits them. If you’re a developer, we have command line tools and deep GitHub integration. If you’re on the business side, we have rich email […]
Agile Anti-Patterns in Non-Blocking Development

At Sprintly we’re big fans of shipping. So much so that we militantly remove anything that stands in our way of shipping, including process. “You can’t ship process.” – Ethan Kaplan, VP of Product at Live Nation Our approach, which we call Non-Blocking Development, isn’t so much a methodology as it is a pragmatic approach […]
Visions of a Post-Agile World

When I first started programming in the late 1990s my toolset was comparable to that of a manufacturer a hundred years ago; we were forced in those early days of the web to build everything ourselves. Need web framework? PHPNuke was the best thing going. Need a server? Build them yourself or buy some. Need […]
Pull Request Integration
Starting today, you can now reference and close tickets from within your GitHub pull requests. To make it work, you will need to link your Github account with and mention an item using our SCM command syntax. We’ll update the ticket with a link back to the relevant pull request. When that branch gets merged, we’ll mark […]
Nerd Alert: Sprintly’s Continuous Integration
A few of our customers have asked for more details about the technology that makes tick behind the scenes. As a result, we’re going to be writing a series of “Nerd Alert” posts covering our technology stack and other hackery we’re working on. Here at our mission is to make people more efficient. […]
Introducing: Bitbucket & Beanstalk support
Overwhelmingly so, our most popular feature since our beta launch has been the GitHub integration. Developers love the ability to not have to come back to to mark an item as complete. Our continued mantra is that must fit into your workflow, rather than interrupt it. In our continued quest to keep workflows […]